Earlier, I spent TWO hours trying to register for the MCM. I know I haven't even run my first marathon yet, but I have a love/hate relationship with all of this Boston Marathon training. I keep wondering what is going to become of me when Boston is done. Maybe I will actually have a life. Maybe I just won't know what to do with myself. Who knows. So much has happened in just a few months. There has been a lot of excitement. I really do enjoy the training, despite a few days here and there when I wonder why I am doing this at all. I think I have officially gone a little bit crazy. But let me just say, the MCM was my husband's idea. So you can all just yell at him.
I literally went nuts today. Last year the marathon sold out in about two and a half hours. I sat myself down with something to drink and a snack. I used the restroom before noon and I was ready. I did not think it would be too hard to register, but as it turned out the MCM website crashed from all the people trying to register. Too many loading and reloading problems, and then people were being dropped from registration. (That part I read on facebook.) I pretty patient the first half hour and then I was getting antsy. One friend said that only one of his friends registered so far but no one else could get in. Okay, so it's not just me. That's good...kind of. I should be able to get in in the next thirty minutes or so, no biggie. But as the minutes ticked by and I kept hitting "refresh" I could feel the anxiety rising from my toes to my knees, to my hips, then torso, hands, then I went nuts. I WANT TO RUN THIS MARATHON! But why? It's not like I have run even one yet. I know it would be a nice "gift" for my father-in-law. The MCM was his first marathon and he loves to share that story. (Bonding moment). I know why I want it so bad....because I CAN'T GET IN TO REGISTER! I am one of those people that get all fired up when someone says I can't do or have something. So you can imagine how hyper I was sitting here at my keyboard trying to register. Three times I finally got to the registration page. I was so excited each time, just to have one tell me the registration is "on hold" and therefore, I cannot actually register, and then the other two times I was booted. COME ON! It is cruel to tease like that. I was ready to drown myself in chocolate. At about two hours, I was about to call it quits and do something more constructive with my time. I tried a few more times and on the last try REGISTRATION came up again, but not like the last three times, it actually had my information already completed. (Thank goodness I have registered with this site previously.) I punched in my credit card info and hit complete and then the most beautiful words appeared before my eyes: "Congratulations, You are in!" Remember the happy dance I did back on November 28, when Paul from the MTF called to say I am running Boston on the MTF Team? You bet I did it again! Because one dance is not enough, and neither is one marathon.
But before I get there, it's all about Boston. On Sunday I ran 23 miles. I was only supposed to do 22, but my GPS tracker turned off when I put it in my pocket and did not record my first mile. I wanted it recorded so I ran one extra mile. Probably a stupid thing, but sometimes, I do stupid things. It was a decent run, and even with an 8 minute restroom/refuel stop, I was able to hit my targeted time of 4:35. Ideally, that should get me to 26.2 in about 5 hours, or 5:10, but I am giving myself to 5:30 to account for those hills. Recovery was decent. Yes I was sore, but not like I have been. I did have to take a nap, but that's perfectly acceptable. I am ready for Boston. I can't wait. I have my welcome packet. I read EVERYTHING they sent. I am working on spectator plans for the family. Let's ROCK this marathon for massage therapists everywhere. GO TEAM MTF!
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